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Sefer Zera Shimshon – 10 volume Set Haas Family Edition

The Classic Torah Commentary of the 18th Century Kabbalist Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani

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The sefer whose segulah captivated Klal Yisrael:

The Zera Shimshon’s Commentary on Chumash, translated and elucidated

The Zera Shimshon on Chumash includes:

  • The full text of the Zera Shimshon’s commentary on Chumash, fully vowelized (menukad)
  • An elucidated translation designed to help the reader follow the Zera Shimshon’s often-complex ideas.
  • An Introduction to each derush, with explanations to enhance our understanding of the Zera Shimshon’s commentary.
  • Explanatory notes that offer more important background material.

Rav Shimshon Chaim Nachmani, a renowned 18th century Italian rav and talmid chacham, is the author of the Zera Shimshon commentary. In his famous Introduction, he speaks about the loss of his only son, and promises great blessings to those who will learn his commentary. People all over the globe have attested to the power of the “segulah” of the Zera Shimshon.

“…the person who learns the commentary, will sit at his table surrounded by his children and family; beautiful blessings, all given wholeheartedly to the person who studies this work. A house filled with everything good…. The blessings will begin in this world and carry on in the world to come….. “ from the author’s Introduction to Zera Shimshon

ISBN # : 9781422639191
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 7 x 10 x 1.22 inches
Weight: 30 LBS

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