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Pituchei Chotam Bereishit / Shemot / Vayikra by Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira

Insights on the Weekly Parashah

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A great light of Torah is finally available to the English-speaking public.

Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira –the “Abir Yaakov” was the scion of one of the most illustrious Torah families of Morocco. Baba Sali zt’l, famed throughout Klal Yisrael, was one of his grandsons, and Rav David Abuchatzeira shlita, the renowned Kabbalist of Nahariya, is a great-great-grandson. For more than sixty years, Rav Yaakov led his community, and, indeed, all of Moroccan Jewry. He was famed for his miracles, loved for his devotion and caring – and revered for his astonishing knowledge of all facets of Torah, revealed and hidden, written and oral, the simple meaning and the mystical understanding.

And that immense wisdom is now accessible in English, in Pituchei Chotam, Rav Yaakov’s masterly commentary on Torah.

Every word of Torah is full of meaning; every verse holds worlds — and R’ Yaakov was a master at discovering their hidden messages. In Pituchei Chotam, Rav Yaakov explores so many vital concepts that we can learn from the holy words of Chumash – the nature of our world, the unique Jewish mission, the primacy of Torah, the eternal battle between yetzer hara and yetzer tov. These are words that ring with emes, with a deep and enduring truth. Yet though the concepts are deep, the commentary can be understood on many levels, by scholars and laymen alike.

The great light of the Abir Yaakov’s masterpiece, which had its beginnings in a small city in Morocco more than a century ago, belongs in your home, and your life, today.

ISBN # : 9781422620007
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 630

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in
ISBN # :



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