From Sorrow To Celebration by Rabbi Paysach Krohn

Inspirarional Stories and Insights from the Maggid



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The Three Weeks. The Nine Days.
Tisha B’Av.
Mourning, tragedy, Churban, destruction.
But then… Tu B’Av.
Comfort, joy, celebration; a festival like no other.

As believing Jews, we know that in the darkest, most painful moments lie the seeds of joy and rebirth.

Still, it takes a genius of optimism and emunah — it takes a Rabbi Paysach Krohn — to show us how to find positivity while never minimizing the pain of the Churban.

In this book — this extraordinary book — he shows us how.

In From Sorrow to Celebration Rabbi Krohn shares compelling divrei Torah and – of course – dozens of poignant and uplifting stories. Stories that open new vistas of Ahavas Hashem, Ahavas HaTorah, and Ahavas Yisrael. Stories showcasing the awesome power of our prayers and our tears, the great opportunities that teshuvah offers us.

We will enrich our understanding of the Three Weeks, the Nine Days, Tishah B’Av and Megillas Eichah.

And then… we move From Sorrow to Celebration, with fascinating sections on the Bais HaMikdash, Ahavas Yisrael, Shabbos Nachamu, Mashiach and Geulah and (mazal tov!) the joyous day of Tu B’Av.

In another unique section, Rabbi Krohn shares brief biographies and riveting stories of gedolim whose yahrzeits fall in the period of the Three Weeks until Tu B’Av, including Rashi, the Arizal, and Rav Elyashiv, adding still another level of inspiration in these sorrow-filled months.

From From Sorrow to Celebration is about the cleansing of our sadness. It’s about the possibility of rebuilding — both the Beis HaMikdash and also ourselves.

It is about the tears… and the laughter that follows those tears.

ISBN # : 9781422641118
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 386

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in
ISBN # :



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