Milstein Edition Early Prophets with the Teachings of the Talmud – Joshua/Judges

From Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi and Selected Midrashim

A brand-new resource that will change the way you understand Navi!


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A brand-new resource that will change the way you understand Navi!

The Oral Torah is based on the Written Torah, and it often cites verses from the books of Neviim (Prophets). In this unique commentary to Navi, the original text of the Oral Torah and an easy-to-follow explanation appear with the verse that was cited in the Mishnah, Talmud, or Midrash. Here, we can see what the Oral Torah teaches about the verses, profoundly enriching our understanding of the text.

Milstein Edition Early Prophets with the Teachings of the Talmud includes:

• Hebrew text of the Navi with a flowing English translation

• Targum, Rashi, Radak, and Metzudos, fully vowelized

• The text of Mishnah, Talmuds Bavli and Yerushalmi, Mesechtos Ketanos, or Midrash that mentions the verse, in the original Hebrew or Aramaic

• An easy-to-read narrative adaptation of the text of the Oral Torah, explaining what the Sages say

ISBN-10: 1422632849
ISBN #: 9781422632840
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 364
Dimensions: 8.625 x 10 x 1.188 inches

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 8.6 × 10 in



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