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From East and West – Navigating halachic differences between Sephardim & Ashkenazim

ממזרח וממערב

  • How does a Sephardi act when praying in an Ashkenaz minyan?
  • What are the main differences between Sephardim and Ashkenazim in the laws of Shabbat, Avelut, and Kashrut?
  • What does a Sephardi do when he is eating at the home of an Ashkenazi and is served sweet challah?
  • What are the halachot and things to know about when Ashkenazim and Sephardim get married to each other?
  • Can an Ashkenazi be served kitniyot when he is staying at the house of a Sephardi for Pesach?
  • Can a person from Eretz Yisrael do melachah in chutz laAretz on Yom Tov sheni?

These are just a sample of all of the practical questions that are dealt with in this book. FROM EAST TO WEST (previously published as Mi’Mizrach Umi’Maarav) covers a vast spectrum of halachot.

This book deals with all of the primary halachic differences between Sephardim and Ashkenzim, how a Sephardi has to act when he is in an Ashkenaz community, minyan, or yeshivah, and the applications of the prohibition of Lo titgodedu (making separate factions).
This book is primarily meant for Sephardim and follows the rulings of Maran Chacham Ovadia Yosef zt”l, but it also provides source material for Ashkenazim.

… he has delved into the depths of halachah, and has organized everything in
a clear and discerning manner with broad knowledge and clear logic…
Maran Chacham Ovadia Yosef zt”l

“From what I have read, I sce that the author has taken the correct path….
– Chacham Yitzchak Yosef (Sephardic Chief Rabbi of lsrael)

“This sefer will surely be an aid, and mamy people will benefit…
-Rabbi Yitzchak Ezrachi (of the Roshei Yeshivah of Yeshivat Mir Yerushalayim)

By: Rabbi Yonatan Nacson

Format: Hardcover
Length: 328 Pages
Language: English


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