Kesivah V’Chasimah Tovah: Help make it happen! You owe it to yourself – and your family.
The days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur are some of the busiest in a woman’s life – and the most important. It is now that we have the best chance to do authentic teshuvah, deepen our connection to Hashem, and engage the incredible power of tefillah.
Designed to fit in with Jewish women’s busy lifestyles, The Yamim Noraim Treasury features brief and powerful insights and stories on Chodesh Elul and the power of teshuvah, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, as well as commentary on selected prayers and Torah readings.
The Yamim Noraim Treasury is for women who want to enrich and enhance the upcoming Yamim Tovim (and take a few well-earned minutes from holiday prep!). It’s for women staying home with their children on Yom Tov and for women enjoying a few quiet minutes in shul. Indeed, it is for every Jewish woman as she looks forward to a healthy, happy, and prosperous year.
ISBN # : 9781422632321
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 300
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