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Yalkut Yosef Hebrew/English Complete 18 Volume Set Hashkamat Haboker

[vol. 1] Tzitzit
[vol. 2] Tefillin
[vol. 2b & 2c] Tefilla I
[3a] Berachot
[vol. 4, 5 & 6] Shabbat
[vol. 7, 8 & 9] High Holidays – Yamim Noraim
[vol. 14] Sukkot
[vol. 15] Chanukah
[vol. 16] Purim
[vol. 17] Pesach
[vol. 11] Yom Tov & Sefirat Haomer
[vol. 12] Taaniyot & Tisha Be’av
[vol. 13] Yalkut Yosef (Hebrew: ילקוט יוסף‎) is an authoritative, contemporary work of Halacha, providing a detailed explanation of the Shulchan Aruch as based on the halachic rulings of the former Rishon LeTzion Rav Ovadia Yosef. It was written by Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, his son. Yalkut Yosef is written to give practical halachic guidance to Jews of Sephardi and Mizrahi origin; it is widely cited, and a growing number of synagogues and yeshivot are using the work for study purposes. This English “Saka Edition-Yalkut Yosef”, is currently being published under the leadership of Rabbi Yisrael Bitan of Haketer Institute of Jerusalem.


The english sefer of Yalkut Yosef is based on the halakhic rulings of the recognized undisputed leading Posek of our generation, the Rishon Letziyon, Maran Harav Ovadya Yosef, shalita, as found in his many extensive published Yabia Omer, Yehaveh Da’at, Halikhot Olam, Livyat Hen, Hazon Ovadya, Taharat Habayit and Ma’or Yisrael. The illustrious author of Yalkut Yosef, Harav Yitzhak Yosef, shalit”a, Rosh Yeshivat Hazon Ovadya, has the great merit of publishing a Torah work that has been received with acclaim everywhere in the world. Wherever there are Sefardic Jews today, they have regularly scheduled classes to study halakha from Yalkut Yosef. 1. Haskamat Haboker 2. Tzitzit 2**. Tfilin 2***. Sofrim 3 A Hilchot Tefillah 4-5-6. Berakhot 7-8-9. Shabbath 11. Pesach 12. Sefirat Haomer. 13. Ta’anyot, Tisha Be’Av 14. Yamim Nora’im 15. Sukkot, Arba’at HaMinim 16. Hanukka 17. Purim (18 Volumes)

Additional information

Weight 60 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 9 × 13 in



‎ HaKeter Institute (January 1, 2022)




‎ 6300 pages

Item Weight

‎ 53.6 pounds


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