Stories, commentary, and insights
on the Pesach Haggadah from the writings of
HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l
Compiled by Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach
– Avos 6:1 –
All this, and more, could be attributed to the Sar HaTorah, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, who had learned and completed all of Torah, Written and Oral, each and every year from the time he was a young man. Not only was his knowledge of the revealed aspects of Torah evident, but so was his expertise in the mystical aspects, and hundreds of people streamed to his house each day seeking the counsel of the Prince of Torah.
Aside from Rav Chaim’s teachings and advice, countless stories and firsthand witness accounts demonstrate the truth of the principle “a tzaddik decrees and the decree is fulfilled.” His passing left an immense void, as evidenced by the hundreds of thousands who accompanied him to his final resting place.
Dimensions: 6.5″ X 9.5″
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781600919497
Length: 391
Media: Book
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