A Novel
The Lion is a powerful novel by famed author Meir Uri Gottesman. In it, Yaakov, a young boy who lives with his grandfather, is woken up one night by the sounds of Zeideh…making strange animal noises. Unable to contain his curiosity, Yaakov asks Zeideh about it, never dreaming how deep his grandfather’s answer will go, or where it will bring their family…
The Lion is a story that spans thousands of years: from the days of Eliyahu Hanavi to modern-day Toronto; from the sun-scorched Jezreel Valley to the flashing Northern Lights of Canada; from the Levi’ims’ song in the Beis Hamikdash to the 1648 tragedies of Tach V’tat in the Ukraine; from the little frog that teaches Dovid Hamelech about Perek Shirah to the monstrous Aryeh D’vei Ilayei lion that breaks loose in Toronto!
Above all, The Lion is about kedushah, about yearning to reach ever higher heights in serving Hashem. Its cast is populated by tzaddikim, unforgettable ones, both young and old, who will pour yiras Shamayim into the neshamah of every reader. Scattered throughout the novel, like gold pieces strewn on a path, are many verses from Perek Shirah, which will draw the reader to the magnificent Song and make him a part of this unique and beautiful tale.
Length: 224
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