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Capture his feelings of emunah and anticipation.
Share his excitement and love for mitzvos.
Feel his spirit at your Seder.
The Chasam Sofer Haggadah
One of the greatest Torah sages of the 18th century, Rav Moshe Sofer, the Chasam Sofer, was a brilliant, compassionate, and fearless leader of Klal Yisrael. In this Haggadah, his voice speaks to us through the centuries, as relevant today as in his own turbulent times.

Yisroel Besser presents the Chasam Sofer’s unique and timeless Torah in a contemporary and relatable way. Collected from the Chasam Sofer’s extensive writings, these fascinating and unusual insights will bring a new inspirational excitement to the Seder. We will feel his longing for geulah, his profound understanding of the long exile, his joy at redemption.

And we will read stories. So many stories. Stories told by the Chasam Sofer himself, stories told about him by his descendants and disciples. Parables and true tales, stories of miracles and of piety. Stories about slavery and freedom, about waiting and praying and never losing our faith.

We will also explore his minhagim, the customs he practiced to mark Pesach, which will enrich and enhance our own holiday.

“Even deep in this galus,” the Chasam Sofer taught, “we are promised that during the moments when we sit down and tell our children of yetzias Mitzrayim … a Divine flow is showered onto us, as on the night we left Mitzrayim.” The Chasam Sofer Haggadah will help us turn that “Divine flow” into a surging tide of faith and joy.

ISBN-10: 1422628027
ISBN #: 9781422628027
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 262

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in



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