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Lite Girl Series Bundle (17 Vol. Set)

Malky Weinstock’s Bestselling Lite Girl Series Bundle, Includes the yael yom tov series (17 Vol. Set)

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Malky Weinstock’s Bestselling Lite Girl Series Bundle, Includes the yael yom tov series (17 Vol. Set)

Yael’s Loving World (#1)

Follow Yael as she appreciates all the people in her life, and Hashem, Who brings them all to her.

New Shoes for Yael (#2)

As Yael gets measured for brand new shoes, she learns that everyone is created the perfect size!

Yael Becomes a Giver (#3)

Yael is ready to celebrate her birthday. Join her as she learns how special it feels to be on the GIVING end of a birthday gift!

Yael Worries No More (#4)

Yael worries about almost everything … until she learns a beautiful way of letting go of her worries and becoming happy. Do your best and trust Hashem to do the rest!

Yael Gets a Guest (#5)

When Yael’s cousin comes for an unexpected stay, it’s not easy for Yael to be welcoming. Join Yael as she learns … “When you have a guest, act your best!”

Yael and Her New Baby Sister (#6)

There’s lots of excitement in Yael’s house — a new baby sister! Everyone is thrilled … except Yael. Join Yael as she adjusts, learning to love and accept Baby Esther. This is the big sister book you’ve been waiting for!

Yael’s Great Big Family (#7)

Why do we care about people we don’t know? Yael wonders.
It’s an amazing secret that Savta shares with her — The Jewish people are all one great big family, and Hashem wants us to love and care for each other like sisters and brothers!

Yael and the Shabbos Treats (#8)

“Why are treats only for Shabbos? What makes Shabbos so special?” Yael wonders as she shops with Mommy to prepare for Shabbos. Join Yael as she discovers why Shabbos is the most special day of the week! A charming book for every home, to enhance and glorify Shabbos!

Yael Keeps on Trying (#9)

Yael is so excited to begin her new dance class, but on her first day, her feet feel clumsy and won’t do the dance steps. “I’m not going back,” Yael tells her Mommy and Abba, ready to give up.

Join Yael as she learns to keep on trying!

Yael Plants Seeds (#10)

It’s Spring-time … the perfect time for planting! But Yael doesn’t understand how little seeds under the ground can ever grow into anything. Join Yael as she happily discovers the amazing wonders of Hashem, Who makes her tiny seeds grow into delicious tomatoes!

Yael Stands Tall (#11)

A V’ahavta L’reiacha Kamocha story!

Chani, the shy new girl in Yaelís class, is being teased by another girl — and no one is doing anything to stop it. Soon, others are being teased, too. Join Yael as she learns to stand up tall and help her friends!

Yael and the Secret Language (#12)

A story about talking to Hashem

Yael and her brother are curious about their mother’s whispering. Is it a secret language? Join Yael as she learns about talking to Hashem whenever she needs help.

Yael Learns to Wait (#13)

A story about patience

“When will we get there already?” complains Yael as her family travels on a long car trip to visit her Uncle Chaim and Aunt Miriam. Join Yael as she learns how to make waiting much easier!

Yael’s Pesach Dance

Yael discovers the excitement of Pesach!

What’s so exciting about Pesach? Yael wonders amidst the hubbub of Pesach cleaning. It seems like so much work …

Join Yael as she discovers the beauty and wonders of our heritage and learns why we prepare for Pesach so happily.

Yael’s Pesach Dance is part of the Yael Yom Tov Series.

Yael and the Shining Menorah Lights
Yael discovers the light of Chanukah!

“The shining Menorah lights really light up the dark night!” Yael marvels as she looks out her window on the first night of Chanukah. Her father challenges her to spread the light by visiting and cheering up their sad old neighbor. Join Yael as she musters up the courage to make a real difference! A great Chanukah activity to encourage!

Yael and the Shining Menorah Lights is part of the Yael Yom Tov Series.

Yael and Her New White Dress

A sweet Teshuvah story for this special season!

Yael is thrilled with the new beautiful white dress Savta bought her! But right before Rosh Hashanah, her dress gets stained at her cousin’s Bar Mitzvah. Will her mother be able to clean it? As she waits and wonders, she thinks about how the shofar reminds us to fix our mistakes and become all clean inside, too — just like her white dress!

Yael and Her New White Dress is part of the Yael Yom Tov Series.

Princess Yael

A Yael Purim story!

Yael is very excited to dress up as Queen Esther on Purim. When the day finally arrives, Yael feels so special in her costume and spends her day doing so many wonderful mitzvos. She wishes she could be Queen Esther every day! Join Yael as she learns that as a Bas Melech, she truly is a princess — every day!

Additional information

Weight 30 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 12 in



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