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Lights. Camera. Action!

Based on the Chafetz Chaim’s sefer Shem Olam, this groundbreaking work uses the process of a major film production to illustrate how the physical universe is a grand mashal, an analogy, to understand the Olam HaEmes, the True World. A script, special effects, actors, editing, and a soundtrack are all parts of this virtual reality that is our world — a film running for six thousand years.

In Behind the Scenes, readers’ eyes are opened to the plan of Creation and every individual’s unique role in it, as seen through the lens of Chazal.

Behind the magnificent illusion of our world, a glimpse of the perfection of the Director can be perceived. Enjoy the Show.


“I am certain that many people will gain a new understanding of life and the purpose of living. Your book will give the reader a fresh grasp of what life is about and their connection to Hashem Yisbarach.”

Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita


About the Author:
Yitzchak Benroubi,
 a native of Brazil, studied filmmaking in New York and pursued his Torah studies at Ohr Somayach and the Mir Yeshivah Yerushalayim. For over two decades, he was part of Kollel Binyan Olam–Brazil, where he developed creative kiruv programs showing the beauty of Judaism by linking Torah and cinema, music, and photography. He currently lives with his family in Eretz Yisrael, where he studies Torah and teaches the unaffiliated.

ISBN 9781961602168
Author Yitzchak Benroubi
Number of pages 200
Binding type Hard Cover

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in



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