Rabbi Avigdor Miller’s last word about the origins of the Holocaust. Though the Rabbi often alluded to this book in his lectures, it remained unpublished for over forty years. At last, this remarkable work is available, describing as only Rabbi Miller could the shocking, disturbing origins of the Holocaust. Read the riveting story a nation estranged from its Creator, slipping farther and farther from Torah observance and towards its own annihilation. See pre-war Europe through the eyes of a Torah sage who was there. From page 184: The first and most fundamental of all purposes of events, and especially an event of such vastly fearsome scope [as the Holocaust], is to awaken men from the lethargy of habit and materialism and to cause them to think of G-d. The manner in which this catastrophe took place offers numerous clues and hints of the causes and the purposes. This colossal tragedy of history deserves endless study, and as long as the world endures, man can continue to gain lessons of the greatest magnitude. The insane and entirely causeless hatred against Israel was nothing less than a divine madness…
Publisher: Simchas Hachaim Publishing
Author: Rav Avigdor Miller
Pages: 273
Format: Hardcover
ISBN 13: 9780989621908
Dimensions : 6.5 x 9.5 Inches
Release Date: 2013
Editor And Commentary: Darrell M. Zaslow
Anthony Lange –
More than just a book on the Shoah. ‘If I was a wealthy man’ I would buy a 100000 copies and distribute them to all the Holocaust memorials throughout the world to GIVE AWAY, such a read it is!
NF –
I am buying this book for all my children. Very informative information. It needs to be read.
Yakov Gorodezky –
Everything is fine, besides the price. It is a little bit too expensive.
Da Reviewer –
amazing book….. you will buy a copy for everyone in your family. the truth spoken.. hard to take in but good
Annie Soyeux –
A reference! I have not already read it completely. A job for the next weeks
Helper Joe –
It took courage to write this book which bucks both the conventional secular and the Orthodox Jewish outlook of causes of the Holocaust. It will take some courage and an open mind to read it.Well-written, informative footnotes and appendices. Every contemporary English-speaking Jew should read it.
Jewish DJ –
I read this book cover to cover. The Holocaust is a very difficult subject to discuss, especially with those who were either directly or even indirectly effected by it. Amazingly, Rabbi Miller is able to give us an understanding of G-ds ways in this world. This book is full of insight and information from a deep, wise, and sensible person who was personally in Europe before it actually began. His first-hand information is incredibly helpful in forming a proper understanding. It is important to read it with an open mind and an earnest interest in understanding the ideas that the author presents.I personally think you will gain more from reading the text first without the footnotes and only reading the footnotes afterwards as they can disrupt the flow of the idea.In general, this book can help you have a proper understanding of why the Holocaust happened and simultaneously gives you a deeper awareness of all world events (past and current).A must read for anyone interested in understanding and learning from this colossal tragedy of the Holocaust.