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A Woman’s role in building her home, upholding her husbands’s Torah, and bringing the Shechinah into Klal Yisrael

The role of a Jewish woman is as unique as it is—seemingly—paradoxical. She is a different person than her husband, yet she is fundamentally part of his very being. She was part of Kabbalas HaTorah at Har Sinai, yet she is not obligated in many mitzvos. She earns reward in Olam Haba as though she learned Torah lishmah, yet she has no obligation to learn Torah. How are we to understand all of this?

In The Foundation of the Home, these apparent contradictions are explored and explained, in context with discussing the significance, uniqueness, and beauty of the Jewish woman’s role.

  • What is the partnership of the man and woman in the mitzvah of limud haTorah, and how does she fulfill it?
  • What is the yetzer hara that fights specifically against the Jewish woman?
  • How does the Jewish woman’s role affect her, her family, Klal Yisrael…and even the Shechinah itself?
  • Why does tznius merit such great reward, and is it only for women?
  • What does it mean that the nashim tzidkaniyos will bring the Geulah?

This book is a must-read for every woman, and eye-opening for men as well. The subjects discussed within are from the underlying foundations of Klal Yisrael’s existence and survival throughout the generations. It will enlighten and inspire, and will reveal the true Foundation of the Home.

Includes a selection of beautiful tefillos for women to recite throughout the various milestones of their lives.

By Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Weber

Author: Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Weber
Dimensions: 6″ X 9″
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9798886732658
Length: 160
Media: Book

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 6.3 × 9.3 × 2 in



‎ Israel Bookshop Publications (January 16, 2025)


‎ 160 pages


‎ 979-8886732658


‎ 6.3 x 9.3 x 2 inches


55101500 (Printed publications) Report an incorrect code


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