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There’s an old phrase, “The way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.” We are pretty sure that no one really wants to eat an elephant, even if it were kosher, but the saying is an important one. Really large tasks, even unpleasant ones, begin with the first step and then the second step. Those steps, when repeated, form habits. Healthy habits are a small change that can improve your entire life.

Follow Aaron, Binyamin, Chava, Devora, and Elisheva as they navigate everyday life — and learn healthy habits to transform it for the better!


About the Author: An acclaimed educator and social skills specialist, Mrs. Rifka Schonfeld has served the Jewish community for over thirty years. She founded and directs the widely admired educational program, Strategies for Optimum Success (SOS), serving all grade levels and subjects, and specializing in kriyah and English reading. A consummate teacher’s teacher, Mrs. Schonfeld created and presents a social skills workshop focusing on key issues in social interaction for children, teens, and adults: self-esteem, maintaining lasting friendship, communication, trust, conflict resolution, bullying, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), ADHD, and anxiety. Along with social skills coaching and parenting classes, Mrs. Schonfeld works with young adults, preparing them for shidduchim.

About the Illustrator: Noemì Kruger is a Jerusalem-based illustrator and graphic designer. She specializes in illustration.

ISBN 9781680259247
Author Rifka Schonfeld
Illustrator Noemi Kruger
Number of pages 82
Binding-type Hard Cover

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