Lift yourself higher; transform yourself into the person you want to be. Far from pop-culture self-help books, this is a work developed over two hundred years ago by R’ Menachem Mendel Levin, a prolific writer and Torah scholar whose breadth of knowledge is astonishing.
Drawing from classic sources to form a step-by-step program for self-improvement and character refinement, this book gives hope and help to all who wish to perfect themselves.
With its facing Hebrew and English translation, this book is so important that R’ Yisrael Salanter, recognizing its true worth, encouraged a group of students to republish it in 1845, with a foreword by Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac Sher of Slobodka, also included in both Hebrew and English in this work.
ISBN 9781680256000
Author Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Satanov
Publisher Feldheim Publishers
Translator R’ Dovid Landesman
Number of pages 192
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